Alexa Sadier

Eco-evo-devo - Bats - Teeth - Adaptation - Novelty - Space biology


I am an evolutionary developmental biologist. My research aims to answer broad evolutionary questions related to the evolution of animal forms to understand how species adapt to various environments, on Earth and beyond. I mainly use the diversity of bats to study the evolution of dentition, dietary and sensory systems but also mammals in general. Please find here more about my research and scicom projects!


  • July 2024: We welcome BenoĆ®t as a new IE in the team!!!
  • June 2024: Symposium organizer and speaker at EED 2024
  • May 2024: Invited speaker at the VIIth Space Resources Conference
  • May 2024: gBatNet workshop in Houston!
  • May 2024: Symposium organizer and speaker at the AbSciCon 2024
  • March/April 2024: Fieldwork in Trinidad ^o^
  • March 2024: New paper from our NSF molar grant is out in Current Biology!
  • March 2024: Editor at the Biological Journal of the Linnean society
  • February 2024: Fieldwork in DR sponsored by the BBF to sequence new bat genomes ^o^
  • January 2024: This is it! I am starting my group in the Macro-Evolution and Development team at ISE-M/CNRS!
  • November 2023: New paper out! Cochlea development and sensory systems evolution - Here!
  • November 2023: Our bat teeth research will be funded by an ERC-CoG!!!!!!!!
  • October 2023: Talk (Alexa) and poster (Marina) on bat dietary evolution at NASBR
  • September 2023: So happy to be awarded the Bat Biology Foundation expedition award to sequence new bat genomes from DR!!
  • September 2023: We got the CNSI AMLS award to image bat teeth at the core 2k$


Find here more about my past, present and future science projects


Find here more about our bat fieldtrips, including some pictures, videos and fieldnotes!



Find here more about the outreach activities I was or I am involved in


About me

Find more about my bio, CV and pubs!